We work in conjunction with Probate, Professional Executor and Trustees.
Everyone should have a Will, but 2 out of 3 people have not yet made a Will and those that have, may not have the correct Will in place.
A large proportion of any inheritance is lost in future divorce settlements , to creditors or bankruptcy and unnecessary taxation.
If you own a business or a share of a business then your spouse / partner and children may not inherit your share of a business.
An estimated 70,000 people per year have to sell their homes to pay for care.
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Everyone should have a Will, but 2 out of 3 people have not yet made a Will and those that have, may not have the correct Will in place.
Most of us work very hard over the years to buy our own homes and build up our savings for our retirement and would like to leave a “little something” for our children and grandchildren after we are gone.
Most of us work very hard over the years to buy our own homes and build up our savings for our retirement and would like to leave a “little something” for our children and grandchildren after we are gone.
If you are concerned about what you intend to leave your loved ones, no matter your circumstances we are able to advise on all aspects of Care planning.
Hard work and dedication has meant that you have built up a sound business to benefit you and your family and naturally, you would want to ensure that your loved ones are provided for in the event of your death. So what if the worst should happen and either you, or a business partner were to die?
Crafting a will is the only definitive method to ensure that your assets, possessions, and money (collectively referred to as your estate) are transferred to the people you care about most.
Many individuals hold the mistaken belief that their estate will automatically pass to their loved ones after they pass away. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Modern and diverse family structures often aren't adequately accounted for by existing laws.
Consider your situation:
- Have you been divorced or remarried?
- Do you have children with more than one partner?
- Are you managing a substantial amount of assets or debt?
- Do you own more than one property or run a business?
- Are there potential claims or challenges to your estate?
If any of these scenarios apply to you, then creating a will is the most secure and cost-effective way to ensure your estate is passed on to your loved ones.
Ignoring these considerations could result in unintended consequences, including legal disputes, financial burdens, and emotional distress for those you leave behind. A thoughtfully prepared will offers clarity and peace of mind, safeguarding your legacy and honouring your intentions.
Taking the proactive step of drafting a will isn’t merely a legal obligation; it’s a testament to your foresight and commitment to the people who matter most in your life.
Ensure your wishes are honoured. Make your will today.
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What is an Asset Investigation and an Asset Investigator?
A Will is a legal document that allows you to specify who should benefit from your money, property and possessions after you’ve died. It’s very important that the wording used in your Will is clear and legally effective.
Yes, you can go into as much detail as you like but this particular aspect of your Will is just an expression of a wish and is not legally binding on your Executors.
Executors are the people you name in your Will to carry out your wishes after you die. They will be responsible for all aspects of winding up your affairs after you’ve passed away such as arranging your funeral, notifying people and organisations that you’ve died, collating information about your assets and liabilities, dealing with any tax bills, paying debts and then distributing your estate to your chosen beneficiaries.
Darcel Ballentine
Barone LLC.
Leatrice Handler
Acme Co.
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